Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Find the filesystem path for Confluence attachments.

Sometimes we'd like to know where on the filesystem a particular Confluence attachment is. For example, after doing upgrades or maintenance, one might like to check that all attachments are present.

The following SQL query (Postgres syntax) does just that: for every attachment found in the database, it prints the filesystem path, expected file size, page URL and attachment download URL:

Code Block
WITH baseurl as (
        SELECT regexp_replace(bandanavalue, '.*<baseUrl>([^<]+)</baseUrl>.*', '\1') as baseurl FROM bandana WHERE bandanakey ='atlassian.confluence.settings'
,attachments AS (
        SELECT content.*
                , mt.stringval AS mediatype
                , fs.longval AS filesize
        FROM content JOIN contentproperties mt USING (contentid)
                JOIN contentproperties fs USING (contentid)
        WHERE content.contenttype='ATTACHMENT' and mt.propertyname='MEDIA_TYPE' and fs.propertyname='FILESIZE'
--      and content.pageid = 131170321
,attachments_data AS (
                , title
                , extract(epoch from lastmoddate)*1000 AS moddate
                , version
                , contentid
                , creationdate
                , concat_ws('/',
                        right(spaceid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                        || '/' || 
                        substring(spaceid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                        || '/' || 
                , 'nonspaced'
                        , right(pageid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                        , substring(pageid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                        , pageid
                        , first_value(contentid) OVER (PARTITION BY pageid, title order by version desc)
                        , version
                ) as attpath
                , filesize
        FROM attachments
        WHERE content_status='current' and contenttype='ATTACHMENT'
        concat_ws('/', 'attachments', attpath) as fullpath
        ,concat_ws('/', baseurl, 'pages/viewpage.action?pageId='||pageid) AS pagelink
        ,concat_ws('/', baseurl, 'download', 'attachments', pageid, title)      -- Note: title is unencoded. If this bugs you, install urlencode() function from
          || '?' || concat_ws('&', 'version='||version, 'modificationDate='||moddate, 'api=v2') AS attachmentlink
        attachments_data CROSS JOIN baseurl;

To check that all attachments are present, use a bash pipeline like this:

Code Block
cat /tmp/confattachments.sql | psql confluence -tAq | while IFS='|' read path filesize pageurl atturl ; do test -f /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/current/"$path" || echo "Missing attachment $path on page $pageurl"; done

How does it work?

The official documentation on Confluence's attachment filesystem structure is Hierarchical File System Attachment Storage. At a high level, an attachment's path consists of:

  • A fixed part,ver003
  • 3 directories derived from the attachment's space
  • 3 directories derived from the attachment's page
  • a directory for each distinct attachment, as identified by attachment filename or title
  • a file for the particular version of an attachment

Here is an example: two attachments on a page, one having two versions:

Image Added

The URL of this particular page is

How does this look in the database?

Attachments, like most things in Confluence, are stored in the content table:

Code Block
redradish_confluence=> select spaceid, pageid, contentid, contenttype, title, creationdate, version, prevver from content where pageid = 131629058;
│ spaceid │  pageid   │ contentid │ contenttype │    title    │      creationdate       │ version │  prevver  │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629061 │ ATTACHMENT  │     │ 2017-08-30 13:15:33.575 │       1 │         ␀ │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629059 │ ATTACHMENT  │ My File.txt │ 2017-08-30 13:15:20.239 │       2 │         ␀ │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629060 │ ATTACHMENT  │ My File.txt │ 2017-08-30 13:15:07.179 │       1 │ 131629059 │
(3 rows)

Reading the Hierarchical File System Attachment Storage page, you'll see details of how spaceid and pageid have to be split into bits, mod 250'd and so forth:


Derived From

1 (top)

Always 'ver003' indicating the Confluence version 3 storage format


The least significant 3 digits of the space id, modulo 250


The next 3 least significant digits of the space id, modulo 250


The full space id


The least significant 3 digits of the content id of the page the file is attached to, modulo 250


The next 3 least significant digits of the content id of the page the file is attached to, modulo 250


The full content id  of the page the file is attached to


The full content id of the attached file

Here is a first, incorrect attempt in Postgres:

Code Block
select spaceid, pageid, contentid, title, version
        , concat_ws('/',                    -- Join each bit together with '/'
                , right(spaceid::text, 3)::integer % 250      -- Rightmost 3 chars of spaceid, mod 250
                , substring(spaceid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250    -- chars 3-6 from right of spaceid, mod 250
                , spaceid
                , right(pageid::text, 3)::integer % 250          -- Rightmod 3 chars of pageid, mod 250
                , substring(pageid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250     -- chars 3-6 from right of pageid, mod 250
                , pageid
                , contentid
                , version) AS path
from content where pageid =131629058;

│ spaceid │  pageid   │ contentid │    title    │ version │                        path                        │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629061 │     │       1 │ ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629061/1 │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629059 │ My File.txt │       2 │ ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629059/2 │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629060 │ My File.txt │       1 │ ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629060/1 │
(3 rows)

When I check in the filesystem, the first two paths are correct, but the last path does not exist.

What is the right path for version 1 of 'My File.txt'? This can be discovered on Linux with the handy iosnoop utility from , which shows what files are being accessed. Clicking on version 1 of 'My File.txt' yields:

Code Block
root@jturner-desktop ~ # opensnoop-perf /var/atlassian/application-data/redradish_confluence/6.3.1/attachments
Tracing open()s for filenames containing "/var/atlassian/application-data/redradish_confluence/6.3.1/attachments". Ctrl-C to end.
COMM             PID      FD FILE
java             27335  0x67 /var/atlassian/application-data/redradish_confluence/6.3.1/attachments/ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629059/1

So the correct path is ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629059/1 not ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629060/1. This is part 8 of the path:


The full content id of the attached file

We used contentid. So what's going wrong?

It appears that level 8 is not simply the contentid, but rather the contentid of the most recent version of the attached file. This can be seen in the source at The getContainerDirectoryForAttachmentVersions() function takes, as arguments, the latest attachment's contentid, then the pageid, then spaceid:

Image Added

In our case, we have two versions of 'My File.txt'. Version 1 (the l at has contentid 131629060, version 2 has contentid 131629059. We need to use the version 2 (or whatever is latest) contentid, which is 131629059.

Back to our SQL query. Instead of just contentid, we need contentid of the attachment with the same filename, on the same page, with the highest version. That can be expressed with a Postgres Window function:

Code Block
    spaceid, pageid, contentid, contenttype, title, creationdate, version, prevver, 
    FIRST_VALUE(contentid) OVER (PARTITION BY pageid, title order by version desc) AS newest_contentid
from content where pageid = 131629058;
│ spaceid │  pageid   │ contentid │ contenttype │    title    │      creationdate       │ version │  prevver  │ newest_contentid │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629059 │ ATTACHMENT  │ My File.txt │ 2017-08-30 13:15:20.239 │       2 │         ␀ │        131629059 │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629060 │ ATTACHMENT  │ My File.txt │ 2017-08-30 13:15:07.179 │       1 │ 131629059 │        131629059 │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629061 │ ATTACHMENT  │     │ 2017-08-30 13:15:33.575 │       1 │         ␀ │        131629061 │
(3 rows)

So our more-correct path-calculating SQL is:

Code Block
select spaceid, pageid, contentid, title, version
        , concat_ws('/',
                , right(spaceid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                , substring(spaceid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                , spaceid,
                , right(pageid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                , substring(pageid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                , pageid
                , first_value(contentid) OVER (PARTITION BY pageid, title order by version desc)
                , version) AS path
from content where pageid =131629058;

│ spaceid │  pageid   │ contentid │    title    │ version │                        path                        │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629059 │ My File.txt │       2 │ ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629059/2 │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629060 │ My File.txt │       1 │ ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629059/1 │
│ 3014657 │ 131629058 │ 131629061 │     │       1 │ ver003/157/14/3014657/58/129/131629058/131629061/1 │
(3 rows)

The paths for our test attachments are now correct.

There is one more wrinkle to consider: attachments on new draft pages. To test:

    1. click 'Create' to create a page
    2. Use the '!' notation to add an attachment (here called setenv.diff)
    3. Without saving, click on your profile icon, then 'Drafts'
    4. Find your draft page and 'resume editing'.
    5. Observe the page ID in the URL, which will be something like


In my example, the draft ID is 131629078:

Code Block
select spaceid, pageid, contentid, title, version
        , concat_ws('/',
                , right(spaceid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                , substring(spaceid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                , spaceid, right(pageid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                , substring(pageid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                , pageid
                , first_value(contentid) OVER (PARTITION BY pageid, title order by version desc)
                , version) AS path
from content where pageid = 131629078;

│ spaceid │  pageid   │ contentid │    title    │ version │                path                 │
│       ␀ │ 131629078 │ 131629079 │ setenv.diff │       1 │ ver003/78/129/131629078/131629079/1 │
(1 row)

You will see the calculated path is not correct. It is entirely missing the 3 segments derived from spaceid, because spaceid is null.


In this situation Confluence uses a directory 'nonspaced'. We can do this with the coalesce() function, to use 'nonspaced' if the spaceid-using expression evaluates to null:

Code Block
select spaceid, pageid, contentid, title, version
, concat_ws('/',
                right(spaceid::text, 3)::integer % 250
                || '/' ||
                substring(spaceid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
                || '/' ||
        , right(pageid::text, 3)::integer % 250
        , substring(pageid::text from '(...)...$')::integer % 250
        , pageid
        , first_value(contentid) OVER (PARTITION BY pageid, title order by version desc)
        , version) AS path
from content where pageid = 131629078;

│ spaceid │  pageid   │ contentid │    title    │ version │                     path                      │
│       ␀ │ 131629078 │ 131629079 │ setenv.diff │       1 │ ver003/nonspaced/78/129/131629078/131629079/1 │
(1 row)

..and that forms the core of the final SQL query presented at the beginning.


JIRA has its own elaborate attachment structure nowadays too - see for details.