JIRA REST-based Reporting Scripts
Scripts (mostly written in Ruby) generating reports from a remote JIRA, via JIRA's REST API.

Report Synopsis

  • Given a sprint, print the total worklog hours logged by each user on the sprint's issues.
  • Given a sprint, report total worklog hours.
  • Given a sprint, report total Story Points completed.


The scripts achieving these goals are found in Bitbucket at https://bitbucket.org/redradish/jira-ruby-reports/src/master/time_spent_per_sprint/?at=master. Sample use:

jturner@jturner-desktop ~/src/bitbucket.org/redradish/jira-ruby-reports/time_spent_per_sprint $ bundle exec ./time_per_user_per_sprint.rb "sprint=Quintara"
jsmith: 32h 16m
afernando: 29h 30m
jalison: 37h 12m
oporter: 44h 40m
dnewlands: 32h 30m
ballen: 0h 1m
bob: 12h 31m

jturner@jturner-desktop ~/src/bitbucket.org/redradish/jira-ruby-reports/time_spent_per_sprint $ bundle exec ./sprint_total_time.rb
Total time spent:       224.000000
Total Story Points resolved:    61

Implementation Walkthrough

As usual, we first create a $client to query JIRA with:

require 'jira'
#require 'pry'
require 'parallel'
require_relative './vars'
$options = {
  :site => JIRA_URL,
  :context_path => '',
  :username => JIRA_USERNAME,
  :password => JIRA_PASSWORD,
  :auth_type => :basic
if !query then
        $stderr.puts "No JQL argument passed; using default: #{query}"
$client = JIRA::Client.new($options)

and fetch relevant issues with JQL:

$client.Issue.jql("sprint=251", max_results:1000)

We are interested in the worklogs, however, and worklogs are not fetched by default by the Ruby library. We need to call .fetch on each issue to fetch the worklogs field.

Fetching details of hundreds of issues is going to take time, so we use Ruby's parallel Gem to parallelize this fetching somewhat:

issues = Parallel.map($client.Issue.jql("sprint=251", max_results:1000), :in_processes=>10) { |i| i.fetch; i }

The rest of the script builds on this, building up a hash mapping authornames to the cumulative total of their worklogs, and then printing the hash:

issues = Parallel.map($client.Issue.jql("sprint=251", max_results:1000), :in_processes=>10) { |i| i.fetch; i }
  .each_with_object({}) { |i,hash|
        i.worklogs.each { |w|
            hash[w.author.name] ||= 0
            hash[w.author.name] += w.timeSpentSeconds
        } }
    .each { |user, secs|
        puts "#{user}: #{secs / 60 / 60}h #{secs / 60 % 60}m"

The sprint_total_time.rb script is even simpler:

issues = Parallel.map($client.Issue.jql("sprint=251", max_results:1000), :in_processes=>10) { |i| i.fetch; i }
puts "Total time spent:\t%f\n" % (issues.collect { |i| i.timespent or 0 }.inject(:+) / 60 / 60)
puts "Total Story Points resolved:\t%d\n" % issues.collect { |i| i.customfield_10105 or 0 }.inject(:+)
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