Report Synopsis

 Given a JIRA project name, a start date and and end date, find total counts of issues completed before, on or after the due date, per priority.

Generally the issues in question will be bug reports. This report answers questions like "how many bugs of each priority are we resolving each month?" or "Are we resolving bugs by their due date"? By running the report for successive time periods, one can get a feel for the total backlog, and per-month progress to clearing the backlog.

Sample use: for Bugs in the UX project, show how many were resolved before, on or after their Due date, in the month of July:

jturner@jturner-desktop ~/src/ $ bundle exec ./jira_overdue_by_priority_report.rb --project=UX --issuetype=Bug --from=2015-07-01 --to=2015-07-30
|                                    | Total | Unfinished | Finished Before Due | Finished On Due | Finished After Due | Finished, no due date | Finished outside daterange |
| Major, without due date            | 328   | 6          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 24                    | 298                        |
| Minor, without due date            | 125   | 83         | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 3                     | 39                         |
| Blocker, without due date          | 9     | 0          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 0                     | 9                          |
| Critical, without due date         | 14    | 0          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 0                     | 14                         |
| Minor, with due date               | 1     | 1          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 0                     | 0                          |
| Major, with due date               | 2     | 2          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 0                     | 0                          |
| Unplanned, with due date           | 1     | 0          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 0                     | 1                          |
| Unplanned, without due date        | 21    | 0          | 0                   | 0               | 0                  | 0                     | 21                         |
<table border=1>
<tr><th>    </th><th>Total</th><th>Unfinished</th><th>Finished Before Due</th><th>Finished On Due</th><th>Finished After Due</th><th>Finished, no due date</th><th>Finished outside daterange</th></tr>
<tr><th>Major, without due date</th><td>328</td><td>6</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>24</td><td>298</td></tr>
<tr><th>Minor, without due date</th><td>125</td><td>83</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>3</td><td>39</td></tr>
<tr><th>Blocker, without due date</th><td>9</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>9</td></tr>
<tr><th>Critical, without due date</th><td>14</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>14</td></tr>
<tr><th>Minor, with due date</th><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><th>Major, with due date</th><td>2</td><td>2</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
<tr><th>Unplanned, with due date</th><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>1</td></tr>
<tr><th>Unplanned, without due date</th><td>21</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>21</td></tr></table>

The script's output, when rendered:

 TotalUnfinishedFinished Before DueFinished On DueFinished After DueFinished, no due dateFinished outside daterange
Major, without due date328600024298
Minor, without due date12583000339
Blocker, without due date9000009
Critical, without due date140000014
Minor, with due date1100000
Major, with due date2200000
Unplanned, with due date1000001
Unplanned, without due date210000021

Here we can see:


The script achieving this is found in Bitbucket at

Implementation Walkthrough

In Ruby, using the jira-ruby gem.

First we set up a $client object, using HTTP Basic authentication;

require 'jira'
require 'parallel'

$options = {
  :site => HOST,
  :context_path => '',
  :username => 'myusername',
  :password => %q{REDACTED},
  :auth_type => :basic

$client =$options)

Next, we fetch the issues we're interested in:

issues = $client.Issue.jql("project=UX and updated>='2015-10-01' AND updated<='2015-10-27'", max_results:1000) { |i| i.fetch; i }

Now for the interesting part. Issues with a due date will have a resolutiondate field, which we can parse wtih strptime:

rdate = issues.find { |i| i.resolutiondate  }.resolutiondate
=> "2015-10-26T09:23:07.000-0700"
rdate = DateTime.strptime(rdate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z')
=> #<DateTime: 2015-10-26T09:23:07-07:00 ((2457322j,58987s,0n),-25200s,2299161j)>
rdate = rdate.to_date                # Discard time portion
=> #<Date: 2015-10-26 ((2457322j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

We will also have a duedate, which we can parse similarly:

ddate = issues.find { |i| i.duedate  }.duedate
=> "2015-11-05"
Date.strptime(ddate, "%Y-%m-%d")
=> #<Date: 2015-11-05 ((2457332j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

and a priority, which is actually an object, so we'll just use the name part of it:

[14] pry(main)> ddate = issues.find { |i| i.priority  }
=> "Critical"

Now we need to:

The Ruby Enumerable module's group_by method does the group-into-buckets job nicely, giving us a hash-of-hashes data structure.

data = issues.group_by { |i|
       + ", " + (i.duedate ? "with" : "without") + " due date" }
        .inject({}) { |h, (priority, issues)|
                h[priority] = issues.group_by { |i|
                        resdate = i.resolutiondate && DateTime.strptime(i.resolutiondate, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z').to_date
                        duedate = i.duedate && Date.strptime(i.duedate, "%Y-%m-%d")
                        if !resdate then "Unfinished"
                                elsif !duedate then "Finished, no due date"
                                elsif resdate == duedate then "Finished On Due"
                                elsif resdate < duedate then "Finished Before Due"
                                else "Finished After Due"
                h[priority]["Total"] = issues

data.keys   # Show our top-level groupings (this will be rows)
=> ["Critical, without due date", "Major, without due date", "Minor, without due date", "Major, with due date", "Blocker, without due date"]
cols = data.collect { |(k,v)| v.keys  }.flatten.uniq  # Identify unique columns.
=> ["Unfinished", "Finished, no due date"]


We now have our data in a nested-hash data structure, and want to output it in tabular format.

First, we iterate over rows and columns and count the issues, giving us a simple 2d structure:

cols = ["Total", "Unfinished", "Finished On Due", "Finished Before Due", "Finished After Due", "Finished, no due date"]
result = [[nil] + cols] # First row is a list of columns, starting with a nil
# Add rows, consisting of an array beginning with 'rowname', followed by the number of issues, or zero
result += data.collect { |(priority, issues_by_finishedstatus)|
        [priority] + cols.collect { |col|
                 issues_by_finishedstatus[col] ? issues_by_finishedstatus[col].size : 0 }
=> pp result
  "Finished On Due",
  "Finished Before Due",
  "Finished After Due",
  "Finished, no due date"],
 ["Minor, without due date", 44, 36, 0, 0, 0, 8],
 ["Blocker, without due date", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5],
 ["Critical, without due date", 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3],
 ["Major, without due date", 131, 46, 0, 0, 0, 85],
 ["Minor, with due date", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 ["Major, with due date", 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
 ["Blocker, with due date", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

Displaying our array-of-arrays properly indented can be done with:

puts "| " + result.collect { |r| r.collect.with_index { |c,i|
                colwidth = (i==0 ? 26 : result[0][i].size)
                "%-#{colwidth}s" % c }.join(" | ")
        }.join(" |\n| ") + " |"
|                            | Total | Unfinished | Finished On Due | Finished Before Due | Finished After Due | Finished, no due date |
| Minor, without due date    | 44    | 36         | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 8                     |
| Blocker, without due date  | 5     | 0          | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 5                     |
| Critical, without due date | 4     | 1          | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 3                     |
| Major, without due date    | 131   | 46         | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 85                    |
| Minor, with due date       | 1     | 1          | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 0                     |
| Major, with due date       | 2     | 2          | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 0                     |
| Blocker, with due date     | 1     | 1          | 0               | 0                   | 0                  | 0                     |

The script in Bitbucket also emits HTML, which renders as:

 TotalUnfinishedFinished On DueFinished Before DueFinished After DueFinished, no due date
Minor, without due date44360008
Blocker, without due date500005
Critical, without due date410003
Major, without due date1314600085
Minor, with due date110000
Major, with due date220000
Blocker, with due date110000