A quick JSP allowing administrators to temporarily take on the identity of a user. Versions for JIRA and Confluence.

Sometimes administrators need to temporarily 'log in as' a particular user, in order to debug some problem. There is the SU for Jira/Confluence plugin for this, and the Switch to a different user built-in script in the ScriptRunner plugin.

But if you're cheap or lazy, a JSP file (switchuser.jsp for Jira 8.x+, Jira 7.x or switchuser.jsp for Confluence) in the right place will do the job fine, although the UI is not that flash:

Just drop it into the right directory:

For Confluence

cd /opt/atlassian/confluence/$version/confluence/admin/
curl -LOJ 'https://bitbucket.org/!api/2.0/snippets/redradish/9erqRX/8377bee3991a9272f2d2da9669f6ca7c9d6a9fda/files/switchuser.jsp'
chown root:confluence switchuser.jsp

For JIRA 8.x and above

cd /opt/atlassian/jira/$version/atlassian-jira/secure/admin/
curl -LOJ 'https://bitbucket.org/!api/2.0/snippets/redradish/Re98Xk/7e28b19cb39514254974a54b2b8c90f8d2996d57/files/switchuser.jsp'
chown root:jira switchuser.jsp

For JIRA 7.x and earlier

cd /opt/atlassian/jira/$version/atlassian-jira/secure/admin/
curl -LOJ 'https://bitbucket.org/!api/2.0/snippets/redradish/Re98Xk/90e18149194202d4149540a2324829abd34fef24/files/switchuser.jsp'
chown root:jira switchuser.jsp

These JSPs work with Okta (unlike ScriptRunner - see SRPLAT-192), and will also pacify websudo initially, so you are not prompted for the user's password when doing certain admin operations.