If you ever have the misfortune of having to interrogate a Derby database, here are the takeaways:

  • There's a primitive command-line utility called ij. Its interactive use can be made tolerable by running it repeatedly from the shell via: ij -p <(echo "...connection properties...")  <(echo "...sql commands...")
  • Once connected via ij:
    • SHOW TABLES; – shows tables
    • DESCRIBE <tablename>;  – describes a particular table. If the tablename is uppercase, don't quote it here.
    • Quote uppercase table names in SQL queries. E.g. SELECT "ID" from "SYNCS";
  • If ij's output is too narrow (row values end with '&' indicating truncation), run the SQL: maximumdisplaywidth 10000;
  • For BLOBs, this page of examples is your friend.
  • The Derby docs are quite good, but use frames, so Google will take you to some random-looking page without any context. Start from here.


The Structure plugin provides arbitrarily deep nesting of issues:

(nested issues are, incidentally, Atlassian's third-most popular feature request, JRA-4446. Go and vote!)

Twice now, after upgrading Structure, a client of mine found that the upgrade disables the auto-sync on Structures:

Nothing in the logs. While this gets worked out with ALMWorks support, I was asked to get things working again.

Command-line Derby spelunking

The Structure plugin's data is stored in its own embedded Derby database, in $JIRA_HOME/structure/db/. Derby is a fairly full-featured RDBMS written in Java.

First get the Derby distribution, which includes the ij command-line utility.

wget ''
tar zxvf db-derby-
export PATH+=:$HOME/db-derby-
which ij    
# /home/redradish/db-derby-

There is rather minimal documentation about ij and Derby generally.

Create an offline database copy

The first thing to know is, you can't connect to a Derby database if another process is using it. So no connecting to the live Structure database:

ERROR XJ040: Failed to start database '/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/current/structure/db' with class loader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@409a44d6, see the next exception for details.
ERROR XSDB6: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/6.4.9/structure/db.

So first we must make an offline copy of the Structure database;

cp -ra /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/current/structure ~/structure_offline

Automate connecting to a database

ij is as primitive and ugly as you'd expect. There is exactly one way to invoke it: passing in a properties file for connection parameters, and a SQL file to run:

ij --help
Usage: java [-p propertyfile] [inputfile]

To auto-connect to a particular database, you need to create a properties file, and tell ij to use it. For instance I created a ~/structure_offline.props file to connect to the ~/structure_offline/db Derby database, copied above:

echo "ij.database=jdbc:derby:${HOME}/structure_offline/db" > ~/structure_offline.props

and finally we connect:

root@usw1-l-jira01:~# ij -p structure_offline.props 
ij version 10.9
CONNECTION0* -     jdbc:derby:/home/redradish/structure_offline/db
* = current connection

Rather than create a pointless properties file on disk, the same thing can be achieved with a Bash process substitution:

root@usw1-l-jira01:~# ij -p <(echo "ij.database=jdbc:derby:$HOME/structure_offline/db")
ij version 10.9
CONNECTION0* -     jdbc:derby:/home/redradish/structure_offline/db
* = current connection

Derby command-line Crash course

To list all tables:

TABLE_SCHEM         |TABLE_NAME                    |REMARKS             
SYS                 |SYSALIASES                    |                    
SYS                 |SYSCHECKS                     |                    
SYS                 |SYSCOLPERMS                   |                    
SYS                 |SYSCOLUMNS                    |                    
SYS                 |SYSCONGLOMERATES              |                    
SYS                 |SYSCONSTRAINTS                |                    
SYS                 |SYSDEPENDS                    |                    
SYS                 |SYSFILES                      |                    
SYS                 |SYSFOREIGNKEYS                |                    
SYS                 |SYSKEYS                       |                    
SYS                 |SYSPERMS                      |                    
SYS                 |SYSROLES                      |                    
SYS                 |SYSROUTINEPERMS               |                    
SYS                 |SYSSCHEMAS                    |                    
SYS                 |SYSSEQUENCES                  |                    
SYS                 |SYSSTATEMENTS                 |                    
SYS                 |SYSSTATISTICS                 |                    
SYS                 |SYSTABLEPERMS                 |                    
SYS                 |SYSTABLES                     |                    
SYS                 |SYSTRIGGERS                   |                    
SYS                 |SYSUSERS                      |                    
SYS                 |SYSVIEWS                      |                    
SYSIBM              |SYSDUMMY1                     |                    
APP                 |FAVORITES                     |                    
APP                 |HISTORY_V2                    |                    
APP                 |HISTORY_V2_ISSUES             |                    
APP                 |HISTORY_V2_PROJECTS           |                    
APP                 |LPROPS                        |                    
APP                 |PERSPECTIVES                  |                    
APP                 |PROPS                         |                    
APP                 |STATISTICS                    |                    
APP                 |STRUCTURES                    |                    
APP                 |STRUCTUREVIEWS                |                    
APP                 |STRUCTUREVIEWS_V2             |                    
APP                 |SYNCS                         |                    
APP                 |VIEWS                         |                    
36 rows selected

Describe a particular table, in this case the SYNCS table:

ID                  |INTEGER  |0   |10  |10    |NULL      |NULL      |NO      
STRUCTUREID         |INTEGER  |0   |10  |10    |NULL      |NULL      |NO      
MODULEKEY           |VARCHAR  |NULL|NULL|255   |NULL      |510       |NO      
AUTOSYNCENABLED     |INTEGER  |0   |10  |10    |0         |NULL      |NO      
USERNAME            |VARCHAR  |NULL|NULL|255   |NULL      |510       |YES     
PARAMS              |BLOB     |NULL|NULL|21474&|NULL      |NULL      |YES     
6 rows selected

Select a sample of values from a particular table. Note that the uppercase table names must be quoted, and there is no LIMIT clause unfortunately:

100        |133        |0          
101        |118        |0          
102        |121        |0          
205        |282        |1          
206        |221        |1          
98 rows selected

To deserialize a BLOB, in this case the PARAMS column:

(thanks to this doc)

At this point I got tired of the lack of readline support in ij, and switched to passing in SQL commands from the bash prompt:

ij> root@usw1-l-jira01:~# ij -p <(echo "ij.database=jdbc:derby:$HOME/structure_offlin") <(echo "select * from SYNCS where STRUCTUREID=133") 
ij version 10.9
CONNECTION0* -     jdbc:derby:/home/redradish/structure_offline/db
* = current connection
ij> select * from SYNCS where STRUCTUREID=133
ID         |STRUCTUREID|MODULEKEY                                                                                                                       |AUTOSYNCEN&|USERNAME                                                                                                                        |PARAMS                                                                                                                          
100        |133        |com.almworks.jira.structure:sync-gh                                                                                             |0          |jsmith                                                                                                                      |3c3f786d6c2076657273696f6e3d22312e302220656e636f6de673d225554462d3822207374616e64616c6f6e653d22796573223f3e3c677265656e686f7&

1 row selected

Extracting BLOBs

In the result above, you can see the PARAMS BLOB is truncated (ending with '&' and isn't displaying anything human-readable. Some googling led me to these examples of the gloriously named SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY_LOBS_TO_EXTFILE function:

root@usw1-l-jira01:~# rm -f /tmp/results.txt /tmp/resultlobs.txt; ij -p <(echo "ij.database=jdbc:derby:$HOME/structure_offline/db") <(echo "maximumdisplaywidth 10000; CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY_LOBS_TO_EXTFILE('SELECT * FROM SYNCS WHERE STRUCTUREID=133', '/tmp/results.txt', '   ', '\"', 'UTF8', '/tmp/resultlobs.txt') ")
ij version 10.9
CONNECTION0* -     jdbc:derby:/home/redradish/structure_offline/db
* = current connection
ij> maximumdisplaywidth 10000;
ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY_LOBS_TO_EXTFILE('SELECT * FROM SYNCS WHERE STRUCTUREID=133', '/tmp/results.txt', '    ', '"', 'UTF8', '/tmp/resultlobs.txt') 
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
root@usw1-l-jira01:~# cat /tmp/results.txt 100    133    "com.almworks.jira.structure:sync-gh"    0    "jsmith"    "/tmp/resultlobs.txt.0.291/"
root@usw1-l-jira01:~# cat /tmp/resultlobs.txt | xmllint -format -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

The parameter XML corresponds with what one sees at the Structure page in JIRA,

This is all nice and interesting, but..

back to the task at hand.

Identifying disabled synchronizers

This displays a list of URLs for disabled synchronizers:

root@usw1-l-jira01:~/structure# ij -p <(echo "ij.database=jdbc:derby:$HOME/structure_offline/db") <(echo 'select STRUCTUREID from SYNCS where AUTOSYNCENABLED=0 ') | grep '^[0-9]\+ *$' | while read id; do echo "${id}"; done

Assuming we have

  • the last-known-good Structure backup in ~/last_correctly_syncing_structure/
  • a recent copy of the actual Structure database in /var/cache/rsnapshot/minutely.0/backup/var/atlassian/application-data/jira/current/structure

this hacked-together script reports URLs of Structures we need to fix:

 #!/bin/bash -eu

export URL='

        ij -p <(echo "ij.database=jdbc:derby:db") $*
                ijdb <(echo 'select "STRUCTUREID", "AUTOSYNCENABLED" from "SYNCS" order by 1;')

export HOME=/home/redradish
export PATH=~/db-derby-$PATH
mkdir -p ~/structure
rm -f ~/structure/{actual,correct}
ij_allsync | grep "^[0-9]" | sed -e 's/ *|/\t/g' > ~/structure/actual
ij_allsync | grep "^[0-9]" | grep -v "rows selected" | sed -e 's/ *|/\t/g' > ~/structure/correct
echo "The following Structures used to auto-sync, and now do not auto-sync:"
join -a1 -a2 ~/structure/{correct,actual} | awk '$2==1 && $3==0 { printf ENVIRON["URL"], $1}'  | uniq
echo "The following Structures auto-sync, and previously did not auto-sync:"
join -a1 -a2 ~/structure/{correct,actual} | awk '$2==0 && $3==1 { printf ENVIRON["URL"], $1}'  | uniq

root@usw1-l-jira01:~/structure# ./ 
The following Structures used to auto-sync, and now do not auto-sync:

The following Structures auto-sync, and previously did not auto-sync:

The identified Structures can then be fixed by hand.


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