Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In JIRA 7.x, Atlassian reimplemented the Created vs Resolved gadget, and changed the parameters. Here is a before/after diff on the params for a filter-using portlet (see Using database diffs to see what JIRA is doing for details on the technique):

and a project-using portlet:


Code Block
WITH gadgetprefs AS (select gup.* from gadgetuserpreference gup JOIN portletconfiguration pc ON WHERE pc.gadget_xml~'createdvsresolved-gadget.xml'),
        filterprefs AS (select * from gadgetprefs WHERE userprefkey='projectOrFilterId'),
        cumulativeprefs AS (select * from gadgetprefs WHERE userprefkey='isCumulative'),
        relevantprefs AS (select portletconfiguration, filterprefs.userprefvalue AS projectOrFilterId, cumulativeprefs.userprefvalue AS isCumulative FROM filterprefs JOIN cumulativeprefs USING (portletconfiguration))
	SELECT * From relevantprefs;
│ portletconfiguration │ projectorfilterid │ iscumulative │
│                10801 │ filter-10601      │ true         │
│                10803 │ filter-10601      │ false        │
│                10900 │ project-10800     │ true         │
(3 rows)

The same, but breaking using regexp_replace() to break projectorfilterid into its constituent parts:


Code Block
WITH gadgetprefs AS (select gup.* from gadgetuserpreference gup JOIN portletconfiguration pc ON WHERE pc.gadget_xml~'createdvsresolved-gadget.xml'),
        filterprefs AS (select * from gadgetprefs WHERE userprefkey='projectOrFilterId'),
        cumulativeprefs AS (select * from gadgetprefs WHERE userprefkey='isCumulative'),
        relevantprefs AS (select portletconfiguration, filterprefs.userprefvalue AS projectOrFilterId, cumulativeprefs.userprefvalue AS isCumulative FROM filterprefs JOIN cumulativeprefs USING (portletconfiguration)),
        prefs AS (select portletconfiguration, projectOrFilterId, regexp_replace(projectOrFilterId, '-\d+', '') AS type, regexp_replace(projectOrFilterId, '(filter|project)-', '') AS id, iscumulative FROM relevantprefs) 
   SELECT *, CASE t.userprefkey
							WHEN 'operation' THEN (CASE prefs.isCumulative WHEN 'true' THEN 'cumulative' ELSE 'count' END)
							WHEN 'id' THEN
							WHEN 'name' THEN CASE type WHEN 'project' THEN (SELECT pname FROM project WHERE WHEN 'filter' THEN prefs.projectOrFilterId END
							WHEN 'type' THEN prefs.type
						END AS userprefvalue
		FROM prefs,
		(VALUES ('name'), ('operation'), ('id'), ('type')) AS t(userprefkey);
│ portletconfiguration │ projectorfilterid │  type   │  id   │ iscumulative │ userprefkey │ userprefvalue │
│                10801 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ true         │ name        │ filter-10601  │
│                10801 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ true         │ operation   │ cumulative    │
│                10801 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ true         │ id          │ 10601         │
│                10801 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ true         │ type        │ filter        │
│                10803 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ false        │ name        │ filter-10601  │
│                10803 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ false        │ operation   │ count         │
│                10803 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ false        │ id          │ 10601         │
│                10803 │ filter-10601      │ filter  │ 10601 │ false        │ type        │ filter        │
│                10900 │ project-10800     │ project │ 10800 │ true         │ name        │ CrowdFlower   │
│                10900 │ project-10800     │ project │ 10800 │ true         │ operation   │ cumulative    │
│                10900 │ project-10800     │ project │ 10800 │ true         │ id          │ 10800         │
│                10900 │ project-10800     │ project │ 10800 │ true         │ type        │ project       │
(12 rows)


Inserting data: dealing with IDs
